This web site was created by Kurt Struckmeyer.

Kurt grew up in St. Louis, Missouri. After graduating from the Washington University School of Fine Art in 1969, he had a varied career at the General Motors Design Center in Warren, Michigan. For over 35 years, he worked as a clay modeler, technician, planner, strategist, historian, writer, and communicator, serving under until his retirement every vice president of design except Harley Earl. Kurt retired from General Motors in 2005 and now lives in Farmington Hills, Michigan.
In 2008, Kurt was asked to write a history of automotive design at General Motors titled Driving Style: GM Design’s First Century.
Today, he spends much of his time writing about two diverse pursuits: religion and genealogy.
You can discover more about Kurt’s progressive theology at his Following Jesus website. So far, he has published two books on the contours of a postmodern secular form of Christianity inspired by the writings of German pastor and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Conspiracy of Love: Following Jesus in a Postmodern World (2016) and An Unorthodox Faith: a New Reformation for a Postmodern World (2017). A third book, People of the Way: Passion and Resistance in a Postmodern World, will follow. More information is available at the Following Jesus website.
If you have questions or comments about this site or the ancestral stories told, please contact Kurt.
klstruckmeyer@aol.comMailing address:
Kurt Struckmeyer
32972 Thorndyke Court
Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334Phone:
248 254-3725 (home)
248 567-9043 (cell)